Announcement of the appointment of Member of the Management Board

The Management Board of Orzeł Biały S.A. (“Issuer”, “Company”) announces that on July 16, 2018, the Supervisory Board of the Company adopted a resolution under which the Company’s Supervisory Board appointed Mr. Dariusz Malarenko to the position of Member of the Management Board with immediate effect for a three-year term.

Mr. Dariusz Malarenko does not currently conduct any business in other companies or partnerships, he does not sit on the boards of other companies/partnerships including him not being a partner in a general or private limited partnership.

The appointed Member of the Management Board does not conduct any other activities that would be competitive in relation to the Company’s operations, he is not a partner in competitive general or private limited partnerships, he is not a member of the authorities of competing for capital companies or a member of the bodies of any other competing corporate entities, and he is not entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained pursuant to the Act on the National Court Register.

The Curriculum vitae of the new Member of the Management Board is submitted by the Issuer in the attachment.

Legal basis: MFR WSE § 5 Cl. 5

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