Laboratory tests

The Laboratory of the Research and Development Facility of Orzeł Biały was launched on 1 August, 2013.
The Laboratory provides comprehensive sample testing of:

Water and wastewater for:
  • pH
  • specific conductivity
  • chlorides
  • sulphates
  • metals, e.g. lead, zinc, cadmium, iron, manganese, copper
  • total hardness
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • suspended matter
  • petroleum substances.
Metals and metal alloys, metalliferous concentrates, ores and metal-bearing waste, soils, for:
  • water
  • lead
  • zinc
  • antimony
  • copper
  • bismuth
  • silver
  • iron
  • other
Solid fuels for:
  • moisture
  • ash
  • sulphur
  • combustion heat
  • calorific value
The laboratory is equipped with specialised equipment. The testing and assaying scope and quality is the result of the use of advanced techniques:
  • inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)
  •  atomic absorption (FAAS)
  • gas chromatography (GC) with FID detector
  • spectrophotometry (UV-VIS)
  • high temperature combustion with IR detection
  • calorimetry

We provide a high quality service, confidentiality and timeliness of commissioned test jobs. The laboratory staff boasts a long-standing experience in conducting laboratory tests. The high quality of tests performed by the laboratory is guaranteed by the implemented and documented quality system complying with the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015.

A specific assessment of laboratory services by the Research and Development Facility of Orzeł Biały is sent to any individual ordering party after his/her inquiry.

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