IMS Policy

Integrated Quality, Enviromental and Health and Safety Management System Policy

Taking into account the context of the organization, the stakeholder requirements and the nature of the business,
the subject of which is:
Production of refined lead, lead alloys and polypropylene regranulate as well as battery recycling, the overriding goal of Orzeł Biały S.A. is to provide products in accordance with customer requirements while maintaining consistent product quality and respecting the natural environment and ensuring safe and hygienic working conditions for employees, striving to minimize accidents at work and occupational diseases.
Understanding the Management Board of Orzeł Biały S.A. for the role of the Integrated Quality, Environmental and OHS Management System in the company management strategy and the quality of delivered products that meet the requirements of legal regulations, including BAT conclusions, applicable environmental decisions and OHS, affects active involvement in operational activities.
In order to achieve the intended goals, the Company conducts its activities in a targeted and organized manner, implementing, applying and improving the Integrated Quality, Environment and Health and Safety Management System based on the requirements of EN ISO 9001:2015, EN ISO 14001: 2015, PN-ISO 45001: 2018, legal and other requirements that apply to the organization and are related to the environmental aspects and health and safety risks identified in the organization, including BAT conclusions for the non-ferrous metals industry (Decision (EU) 2016/1032) and for waste treatment (Decision (EU) 2018/1147)
The Management Board of the Company undertakes to:

  1. Maintain and continuously improve the Integrated Quality Environmental and OHS Management System by monitoring and improving processes, activities and manufactured products.
  2. Provide the environmental protection including pollution prevention.
  3. Counteract emergency situations, in accordance with the applicable industrial accident prevention program.
  4. Effectively manage materials resources while limiting the volume of hazardous and non-hazardous waste generated.
  5. Use proven methods and technologies limiting the negative impact upon the natural environment, human health and life.
  6. Ensure safe and hygienic working conditions in order to prevent work-related injuries and health ailments, taking into account the nature of the industry and scale of activities and processes carried out.
  7. Prevent accidents at work, occupational diseases, potential accident and risks and eliminate threats and limit health and safety risks.
  8. Strive for continuous improvement of health and safety at work.
  9. Satisfy the requirements of customer and other external stakeholders, applicable legal and other requirements for the Company and compliance in this respect, with particular regard to environmental and health and safety requirements.
  10. Raise ecological awareness of people working for and on behalf of the Company.
  11. Take into account the role of employees and their involvement in activities for the benefit of OHS, including the promotion of consultations and participation of employees and their representatives.
  12. Provide adequate resources and means to implement this Policy.

We achieve our goals thanks to the involvement of all employees in activities aimed at improving the quality of products, care for the natural environment and work safety. The Management Board of the Company declares that the Integrated Management System Policy is agree, communicated and known to all employees. It is also accessible to all stakeholders and regularly reviewed.

The Management Board

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