The list of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes at the Ordinary AGM of Orzeł Biały SA on 28.06.2018

The Management Board of Orzeł Biały S.A. (‘The Company’) hereby announces the list of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes at the Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 28.06.2018:

NEF Battery Holdings

The number of eligible votes owing to the shares at the Ordinary  Annual General Meeting: 10 082 388, which entitle to 84.78% of the votes at the said OAGM and constitute 60.55% of the total number of votes.

ALTUS Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. representing: ALTUS FIZ Aktywnej Alokacji Spółek Dywidendowych, ALTUS FIZ Akcji +, ALTUS FIZ Aktywny Akcji, ALTUS Absolutnej Stopy Zwrotu FIZ Rynków Zagranicznych 2, ALTUS FIO Parasolowy ALTUS Subfundusz Absolutnej Stopy Zwrotu Rynku Polskiego, ALTUS Absolutnej Stopy Zwrotu FIZ ALTUS Subfundusz Absolutnej Stopy Zwrotu Rynków Zagranicznych, ALTUS Absolutnej Stopy Zwrotu FIZ ALTUS Subfundusz Absolutnej Stopy Zwrotu Rynku Polskiego, ALTUS Absolutnej Stopy Zwrotu FIZ Rynku Polskiego 2

The number of eligible votes owing to the shares at the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting: 1 377 721, which entitle to 11,58% of the votes at the said OGSM and constitute 8,27% of the total number of votes.

Legal basis: Art. 70 Pt. 3 of the Public Offering Act – AGM List above 5%


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