Report correction: Establishing pledge on significant assets

The Management Board of Orzeł Biały S.A. (“The Issuer”) hereby announces for the public knowledge the correction of the Current report No 6/2015 published on 27.04.2015 in connection with the erroneous  information on the carrying value of the pledged assets.

The Current report No 6/2015 to be corrected features the follo9wing information:

„The carrying value of assets of the Issuer on which the said pledge is established amounts, according to the valuation by the certified property value drawn up on 10.09.2013, to kPLN
68 836.”

The correct information of the carrying value of pledged assets as in the books of the Issuer reads as follows:
“The carrying value of net assets in the accounts of the Issuer as at 31.03.2015 on which the said pledge is established amounts to kPLN 47 047 while the value of the afore-mentioned assets amounts, according to the valuation by the certified property valuer as approved by the bank and drawn up on 10.09. 2013 amounts to kPLN 68 836.”
The Issuer has erroneously provided the market value derived from the valuation prepared by the certified property valuer as the carrying value of the assets posted to the accounts.

Legal basis:
MFR SE §5 Para. 1 Pt. 1
MFR SE §7 Pt. 4
in conjunction with MFR SE §6 Para. 2

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