Establishing pledge on significant assets

The Management Board of Orzeł Biały S.A. announces that today, i.e. on 20.10.2014, it received the Decision by the District Court Katowice – Wschód 9th Division Commerce – Register of Pledges on entering on 14.10.2014 a registered pledge of kPLN 18 000 on inventory stock of materials, semi-finished and finished products owned by the Issuer and located within the area of Piekary Śląskie, ul. Harcerska 23, and of Bytom, ul. Siemianowicka 98.

The registered pledge has been established on the basis of the Overdraft Facility Agreement with Deutsche Bank Polska S.A. dated 24.09.2014 with a limit of kPLN 9 000. The carrying value of the assets on which the afore-mentioned security has been established as recognised in the books of the Issuer as at 30.06.2014 amounts to kPLN 93 446.

The registered pledge on the basis of the afore-mentioned Agreement replaces the previously operating pledge established under the Overdraft Facility Agreement of 05.08.2010 with Deutsche Bank PBC S.A., of which the Issuer notified in the current report No. 27/2011 dated 12.09.2011.
There are no relations between the Issuer and the persons managing and supervising the Issuer and the entity in favour of which the pledge is established.
The established pledge has exceeded the equivalent of kEUR 1 000 as converted according to the average exchange rate announced by the National Bank of Poland on the pledge establishment day.

Legal basis:
MFR SE § 5 Para. 1 Pt. 1

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