Information on the recommendation of the Management Board and the opinion of the Supervisory Board on the distribution of profit for 2022

The Management Board of “Orzeł Biały” S.A. (the “Company”), hereby informs that today, i.e. May 19, 2023, it decided to recommend to the Company’s Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to allocate the net profit for 2022, in the amount of PLN 101,291,665.61 net, in its entirety to the Company’s reserve capital, and addressed a request to the Supervisory Board for an opinion on this proposal.

The Board’s recommendation to allocate the net profit for 2022 entirely to supplementary capital takes into account the Company’s investment and development needs and changes in the company’s economic environment.

On the same day, i.e. May 19, 2023. The Company’s Supervisory Board gave a positive opinion on the Management Board’s recommendation to allocate the Company’s net profit for 2022 in full to the Company’s reserve capital.

The final decision in this regard will be made by the Company’s Annual General Meeting.


Legal basis:

Art. 17 sec. 1 of MAR – confidential information

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