Convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Orzeł Biały S.A. and submission of the contents of draft resolutions with their justifications as well as documents for deliberation

The Management Board of Orzeł Biały S.A. (“The Company”) hereby encloses the contents of the announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Orzeł Biały S.A. as at 15.06.2022  at 11:00 am [CET] at Piekary Śląskie, Harcerska st. 23,  along with the agenda and the contents of draft resolutions with justifications, and documents for deliberations at the meeting.

At the same time, the Management Board hereby notifies that the Supervisory Board on 12.05.2022 accepted all submitted motions of the Company’s Management Board to the General Meeting.


Legal Basis:

§ 19 clause 1 p. 1 & 2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of March 29, 2018, on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and the conditions for recognizing as equivalent information required by the law of a non-member state.

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