Orzeł Biały S.A. is the laureate of the Polish Register of Cleaner Production and Sustainable Entrepreneurship

On April 26, 2018, the Ministry of Environment in Warsaw held a festive Cleaner Production and Circular Economy Conference during which Cleaner Production diplomas and certificates were handed out.

Our company was among the winners of the Polish Register of Cleaner Production (PRCP) and Sustainable Entrepreneurship.

It is a great distinction, and above all, the appreciation of o pro-environmental activities of our Company, the more so as the entry to the PRCP was decided by the PRCP Chapter composed of: Chief Inspector for Environmental Protection, representatives of the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, National Labour Inspectorate, Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations NOT, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) and the Association of Polish Cleaner Production Movement (Stowarzyszenie Polski Ruch Czystszej Produkcji).



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