Waiver of the rule of Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies

Acting pursuant to § 29 Pt. 3 of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Rules, the Management Board of Orzeł Biały S.A.  announces that the Company will not apply the following rule laid down in the document of “Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies”:

In section II Pt. 1 Subpt. 9a

In accordance with the rule contained in Section II, Pt 1, Subpt 9a of Best Practice, the Company maintains a corporate website and publishes on it, in addition to the information required by law, but not limited to, audio or video records of the proceedings of the general meeting.


The company withdrew from the application of the above-mentioned rule because of necessary additional costs associated with its implementation. The Issuer believes that the performance of duties of information related to general meetings, i.e. in particular the publication of appropriate current reports and providing information on the Company’s website, provides the Shareholders in a transparent manner with the access to information relating to general meetings. At the same time, the Company does not preclude the application of the afore-mentioned. rule in the future.




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