Revoking the liquidation of Pumech sp. z o.o.

The Management Board of Orzeł Biały S.A. with its registered office in Piekary Śląskie(hereinafter: ”Company”, ”Issuer”), hereby announces, that today The Extraordinary General Meeting of the subsidary company PUMECH sp. z o.o. ( hereinafter:”Pumech”) passed a resolution on revoking the liquidation of Pumech.

The adoption of the resolution is related to the prolonged process of liquidation of Pumech sp. z o.o.’s subsidiary, i.e. Centralna Pompownia “Bolko” sp. z o.o. in liquidation (hereinafter: “CP Bolko”).

CP Bolko is in a dispute with Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń S.A., about which the Issuer reported in detail in periodic reports including the Consolidated Report for H1 2023. Due to ongoing court proceedings, the liquidation of Pumech sp. z o.o. is not possible in the foreseeable time horizon, which, according to the Liquidator’s conclusion, clearly indicates that there is no basis for continuing liquidation.

The Issuer, in connection with the resumption of the subsidiary’s operational activities, has obliged the management of Pumech sp. z o.o. to take measures related to the determination of new areas of activity and economic activity of the enterprise.


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