Registration of changes to the Articles of Association of Orzeł Biały S.A.

The Management Board of Orzeł Biały S.A. announces that today, i.e. 23.06.2015, it received the Decision by the District Court in Gliwice – 10th Division Commerce of the National Court Registry of KRS dated 15.06.2015 – under which the amendment to the Company’s Articles of Association had been registered, viz. the rescission and complete rewording of the existing Articles of Association, with the reworded contents being attached hereto.

This amendment of the Company’s Articles of Association was approved by the Annual General Shareholders Meeting on 29.05.2015, which the Issuer notified in the Current Report No 13/2015 of 29.05.2015.

Legal basis: MFR SE§38 Para.1 Pt.  2

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