Information on the intention to recognize provisions and write-offs in the financial result for 2021 in connection with the next stage of customs and tax proceedings

The Management Board of Orzeł Biały SA (hereinafter: “the Company,” “Issuer”) with reference to current reports No. 26/2019 of August 21, 2019, 41/2019 of October 29, 2019, and November 16, 2021, of November 16 .2021 informs that in connection with the information received today on the dismissal by the Provincial Administrative Court (hereinafter: “Court”) in Rzeszów of the Company’s complaint against the decision of the Head of the Podkarpackie Customs and Tax Office in Przemyśl (hereinafter: the “Authority”), in the matter of determining the tax liability in the corporate income tax for 2015 and a similar decision by the Authority about the inspection for 2017, the Issuer intends to include in the financial result for 2021:

1) The cost of corporate income tax for 2015 in the amount of PLN 1,182 thousand. PLN with interest in the amount of 406 thousand. PLN,

2) Provision for tax liability due to corporate income tax for 2017 in the amount of PLN 1,317 thousand. PLN with estimated interest in the amount of 395 thousand. PLN.

The Issuer will analyze in detail, together with legal and tax advisors, the possibilities of further proceedings after obtaining the justification for dismissing the complaint by the Court.

The Issuer will inform about the further course of the case in accordance with applicable law in current and periodic reports.


Legal basis: Art. 17 sec. 1 of MAR – confidential information

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