Information on the receipt of the decision of the second instance authority in the field of customs and fiscal control for 2015

The Management Board of Orzeł Biały S.A. (hereinafter referred to as “The Company”, “The Issuer”) with reference to the Current Report No 26/2019 of 21.08.2019 and 41/2019 of 29.10.2019 hereby makes notice about the decision of the Head of the Subcarpathian Customs and Tax Office at Przemyśl (“The Office”, “The Authority”), which acting as a second instance authority confirmed the decision of first instance authority in the field of the determination of the tax liability in the corporate income tax for 2015 as  PLN 1 181 869, 00. As on the date of publication of this report, the total amount of possible income tax subsidies for 2015, taking into account the interest calculated as of November 16, 2021, may amount to PLN 1,714,454.00

The issued decision resulted from the examination of the Company’s appeal against the decision of the first instance authority due to the result of the customs and fiscal control carried out in the Company for the years 2014 – 2017. The Issuer informed about the detailed course of the control in periodic reports.

The received decision is final in the administrative procedure. The Issuer has the right to file a complaint against the above-mentioned decision to the Provincial Administrative Court in Rzeszów.

The Issuer will analyze in detail the decision received and the possibility of exercising its rights with legal and tax advisors.

The Issuer will inform about the further course of the case in accordance with applicable law in current and periodic reports.

Legal basis: Art. 17 sec. 1 of MAR

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