The request of an entitled shareholder to include specific matters on the agenda and submission of draft resolutions regarding matters included in the agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting of Orzeł Biały S.A.

The Management Board of Orzeł Biały S.A. (hereinafter: “The Issuer”) hereby announces that on 05.06.2019 it received a request from an entitled shareholder of NEF Battery Holdings S.à rl with its registered office in Luxembourg (hereinafter: “The Shareholder”) holding 10,082,388 shares in Orzeł Biały SA, representing 60.55% of the share capital of The Company, pursuant to Article 401 § 1 of the Commercial Companies Code (“CCC”) to place on the agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting of The Company convened for 27.06.2019 the following matters along with draft resolutions:
– Adoption of a resolution regarding changes to the composition of The Company’s Supervisory Board.
– Adoption of a resolution regarding the change to the Articles of Association of The Company.
– Adoption of a resolution regarding the adoption of the harmonised text of the Articles of Association of The Company.

The content of the Shareholder’s request is provided in the attachment.

The new agenda with the listing of new agenda points along with the contents of draft resolutions for new agenda points and draft resolutions regarding matters included in the agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting of Orzeł Biały S.A convened for June 27, 2019 is provided by The Issuer in the attachment.

Legal basis:
MFR WSE § 19 Para. 1 Cl. 3 and 4

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