Appointment of the Management Board of the Company for a new term

The Management Board of Orzeł Biały S.A. (“The Issuer”, “The Company”) announces that on 30.04.2015 the Supervisory Board adopted the Resolution No 730/IX/2015 which specifies that the new three-year term (9th Term) will have the Management Board of Orzeł Biały S.A acting as  a two-member body. In addition, the Supervisory Board adopted resolutions 731/IX/2015 and 732/IX/2015 pursuant to which it appointed to the Management Board:

• Mr Michael Rohde Pedersen, to the position of the Chairman of the Management Board – Managing Director;
• Mr Tomasz Lewicki, to the position of the Deputy Chairman/Vice President of the Management Board – Director Commerce.

The Management Board Members appointed for the 9th Term were members of the Management Board of the previous eighth term of office.
The appointed Management Board Members are not carrying out any other activities that would be competitive in relation to the activities of Orzeł Biały S.A., they are not shareholders in any competing companies, partnerships or any other corporate entities, civil or personal, and they are not entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors carried pursuant to the CCC.

Curricula vitae of the newly appointed Management Board Members are hereby submitted by the Issuer attached hereto.

Legal basis:
MFR SE § 5 Para. 1 Pt. 22


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