Extending the deadline for submitting subscriptions to the Tender Offer

On 08.03.2017, the Tenderer, by way of a Communication regarding the change to the contents of the Tender Offer to subscribe for the sale of shares of Orzeł Biały S.A. based at Piekary Śląskie announced on January 23, 2017 (“The Tender Offer“) by NEF Battery Holdings S.à.r.l. based in Luxembourg (“The Tenderer“) by agency of IPOPEMA Securities S.A. (“Brokerage House“), informed about the extension of the deadline for submitting subscriptions under the Tender Offer. In connection with this, the following dates of the Tender Offer are changed as indicated in Cl. 11 of the Tender Offer document:

The closing date for accepting subscriptions:

20 April, 2017


Planned transaction date on the Warsaw Stock Exchange:

25 April, 2017


Planned settlement date:

26 April, 2017

As far as remaining provisions are concerned, Cl. 11 of the Tender Offer remains unchanged, including the possibility of further prolonging or shortening the deadline for accepting subscriptions in the Tender Offer.

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